In October 2021, CAF mourned the death of our co-founder Nancy Regan, who had done so much for CAF over its 35-year history. On her departure from the board in 2020, the remaining members of the board agreed to establish an arts prize in her honor—and so it was that in April 2021 we announced that the inaugural winner of the Nancy Regan Arts Prize was Joan Chan Wing Yan. That same month we gave out an unprecedented 17 grants to researchers and activists from all over the world, in response to a record number of applications: 186 of them, from 53 countries.
Although we were unable to welcome a Tom Regan Visiting Research fellow at North Carolina State University, we were able to host the Annual Tom Regan Memorial Lecture, in which Black vegan scholar and CAF advisory board member Syl Ko presented “Re-centering the Human” in collaboration with the Rev. Christopher Carter of the University of San Diego.