Marina Vitoria Baptista Rosa

Research, 2023, Grantee Link >

Marina Vitoria Baptista Rosa is currently a Ph.D. candidate in animal law at the University of Helsinki, while also serving as coordinator for the National Association of Animal Lawyers in Brazil. In most countries, animals are not protected by constitutions, but only by animal welfare statutes. However, eleven countries do protect animals in their constitutions. Among those, Brazil is the only one with a broad-standing regime and favorable procedural rules that allow advocates to act on behalf of animals and achieve concrete benefits for them through the legal system. CAF awarded Marina a grant for her project, “The Impacts of Protecting Animals in the Constitution: Insights from the Brazilian Experience,” which consists of researching and publishing outreach materials related to recent positive developments in Brazil for animals as a result of both a constitutional provision dedicated to animal protection and strategic litigation efforts. Marina’s work also bridges the language barrier through her translations of some of the main legal works written in Portuguese. Marina divides her time between Helsinki, Finland; Sheffield, England; and Brazil.

Marina is currently revising her paper, which explores the dedicated constitutional provision for the protection of animals in Brazil, and will be submitting the paper for publication, and giving presentations on it, in 2024.