CAF Welcomes Mariana Arellano Corbello and Carol Kline to the Board

CAF is delighted to welcome Mariana Arellano Corbello (left) and Carol Kline to the Board of Directors, as we say a heartfelt “thank you” to Mylan Engel and Jo-Anne McArthur.

Mariana is currently Corporate Campaigns Manager at The Humane League Mexico. She holds a master’s degree in animal studies from New York University, and an undergraduate degree in literature and linguistics from Universidad de Claustro de Sor Juana in Mexico. She has been a freelance translator and wildlife rehabilitator for more than twelve years. She has been a freelance translator for more than twelve years. Carol is Hospitality & Tourism Management Program Director, and Professor in the Department of Management at Appalachian State University, North Carolina. She has a Ph.D. in Tourism Planning & Policy and a MS in Parks, Recreation, & Tourism Management, both from North Carolina State University. She is the founder of Fanimal, which aims to foster community, facilitate discovery, and accelerate career building for people who love animals.

Mylan joined the CAF board in 2008, and has been a steadfast advocate for philosophy, scholarship, and animal rights. This semester, he will be exploring the Tom Regan animal rights archives at North Carolina State University. Jo-Anne, who joined the board in 2017, is a four-time CAF grantee, who will remain an advocate for the Culture & Animals Foundation, as she continues to build her organization We Animals Media and champion the new discipline of animal photojournalism. We thank them, and wish them all the very best in their endeavors.