For four decades, the Culture & Animals Foundation (56–1476178) has been supporting scholars and artists who are working on behalf of animal rights. Throughout that time, we have relied on individual donations to make our work possible. We welcome any support you may wish to offer.
You can click the “Donate” button. You can send a check (made out to “Culture & Animals Foundation” to 128 2nd Place, Brooklyn, NY 11231). Or you can contribute via Paypal (admin [at] cultureandanimals [dot] org) or Venmo (@culture-animals). Should you wish to offer CAF a matching gift, make CAF a beneficiary in your will, or provide CAF with gifts of stock or other securities, please visit the links for more information—legacy giving, bequests, matching gifts, or gifts of stock and other securities—and email martin [at] cultureandanimals [dot] org .
Your contribution is tax-deductible. If you are experiencing any issues with donating, please try turning off your ad blocker.