Elizabeth Tavella & Eva Spiegelhofer

CAF gave Elizabeth Tavella (left) and Eva Spiegelhofer a grant for Animated Wor(l)ds: Language and Relationality for Multispecies Kinship, a multimedia born-digital project that brings together over 25 scholars, poets, artists, and activists from around the world. The project is intended for both academic and public outreach and as an educational tool for disseminating principles of multispecies ethics and relational ecologies.
Elizabeth and Eva secured an online publisher for Animated Wor(ld)s (contents below) and the services of illustrator Nicole Neidhardt. The first issue is scheduled for November 2025. Until then, you can follow the emergence of Animated Wor(ld)s on Instagram and X.
Elizabeth holds a Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures from the University of Chicago, and is a postdoctoral scholar in the Humanities Division. Eva is on the faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna, where she coordinates the activities of the Vienna Anthropocene Network.
Table of Contents (in alphabetical order of contributor)
- Julie Andreyev, Branching Songs: Recital With a Forest as Multispecies Relating
- Chantelle Bayes and Josephine Browne, Languages of Despair, Possibility and Hope: Accepting Imperfection in Creative Writing With/About Ocean Dwellers
- Rosie Benn, Florian Heinze, Limen: On Liminality, Being (Inter)Related, and the Transitional Potential of Limen’s Beingness
- Nicole Brown, Recognizing Stigmergy: The (Re)Tellings of the Orcas of the Salish Sea
- Priya Sarrukai Chambria, The Same Life in My Blood
- Isabella Clarke, Feral Conversations
- Alexandra Isfahani-Hammond, The Sanctuary of a Sentence
- Renée Landell, Reanimated Histories of Interspecies Resistance in Caribbean Neo-Slave Literature
- Maria Martelli, a world that might be a home (music by Teodora Retegan)
- Eva Meijer, The Meaning of Holes
- Marie-Andrée Pellerin, ing: An Aeolian R[hhh]apsody
- Irene Perrett, The Little-Dog: A Care-Full Speculation
- Sue Pyke, Moo_d: Singing into Bovine-Human Mutual Regard
- Teya Brooks Pribac, The Weight of Evidence and the Reinstatement of Animal Sentience
- Jami Reimer, Wetland Mouthpiece: Speculative Bioacoustics and Amphibian Voice
- Hilal Sezgin, Part of the Flock: Reflections on Trust, Cooperation, and Communication with Sheeps
- Shivani Shukla, Animating the Cracks of Economics in Kinship with Moss
- So Sinopoulos-Lloyd and Pinar Sinopoulos-Loyd, Following Wild Trails Home: Wildlife Tracking as Ritual Movement and Multispecies Semiotics
- Nora Ugron, Marginalia on the Name of the Deer
- Rosanne van der Voet, Sounding Shift
- Rachel Yerbury, The Reciprocity of a Nature Language
- Danqiong Zhu and Terrance Caviness, Biocultural Co-inhabitancy: On Western Scientific and Indigenous Nomenclature of Bryophytes