Isabella La Rocca Gonzalez

Isabella La Rocca Gonzalez is a photographer who lives in Berkeley, California. She writes:
I received a grant for my photographic series “Censored Landscapes,”which consists of large-scale photographic landscapes that include sites of animal agriculture, photographed over the course of the last four years. These include livestock auctions, slaughterhouses, meat processing centers, egg farms, “broiler” chicken farms, turkey farms, rabbit farms, goat farms, squab farms, duck farms, dairy farms, feedlots, and fish farms. The animals that have been made invisible in the landscapes will be represented by numbers in bold black. I am working with lawyers to obtain these numbers as the industry has a vested interest in suppressing knowledge of these operations and has attempted to pass “ag-gag” laws that criminalize photographing sites of animal agriculture in more that half of U.S. state legislatures. I have written about this series for the “Women Eco Artist Dialogue” magazine in my article “Feminism and Animal Agriculture.” I’ve also presented images from “Censored Landscapes” at the 2016 West Coast Ecofeminism Conference, the 2017 Global Ecofeminism Conference, and the Golden West College Peace and Equity Conference, to spark discussion about the impact of animal agriculture on animals, human health, workers (especially women, immigrants, and people of color), global conflict, and the environment. A piece from the series was included in the Reclaiming Earth Exhibition at the San Francisco Public Library. More of my work can be seen at my website.
Isabella’s book, entitled Censored Landscapes, was published by Lantern Publishing & Media, in December 2024.