Jason Møller & Dyrenes Alliance

CAF awarded a grant to Jason Møller, the Secretary General of Danish animal rights organization Dyrenes Alliance, for his organization’s creative project, “Empowering Youth Voices for Animal Rights.” The project involves young people producing signs and posters promoting animal rights and veganism and displaying them throughout Danish cities. This campaign will fold into others organized by Dyrenes Alliance: such as “The Vegan Challenge,” “Free Finner” (a campaign to end aquaculture), and Ban Fur (a campaign that urges an end to fur farming in Denmark). The goals of the project are twofold: to inspire people to use their creativity for activism, and to raise awareness about animal rights issues in Denmark, especially regarding the impact of human action on animals. Jason lives in Copenhagen, Denmark.
In June 2024, Jason shared exciting news about the project. Local branches successfully united artists and activists to design and create posters promoting animal rights and veganism. These posters were made using eco-friendly materials and were displayed in various places such as bus stops, community centers, schools, and universities across Denmark. Jason highlighted how these gatherings fostered a sense of community and collaboration while the displayed posters effectively spread the message to a wide audience.