Jo Anderson

Jo Anderson is the Research Director at Faunalytics, a non-profit that empowers animal advocates with access to research, analysis, strategies, and messages that maximize their effectiveness to reduce animal suffering.
In 2020, on behalf of Faunalytics, Jo received a grant to conduct research on the cultural barriers and supports to the reduction of animal product consumption in a non-Western country—in this case, China. The report, Chinese Consumers’ Attitudes Toward Animal Welfare: Behaviors, Beliefs, and Responses to Messaging, was published in October 2022.
In 2021, Jo received a grant to conduct research study on beliefs about chickens and fish in Brazil, Canada, China, and India, and their relation to animal-positive behaviors. (This study followed on from a similar one on attitudes in the U.S.) The report, Attitudes Towards Chickens & Fishes: A Study of Brazil, Canada, China, & India, was published in January 2022.
Jo was interviewed on the Our Hen House podcast (August 29, 2020). Listen to it here.