Joshua Russell

Joshua Russell is currently the Anthrozoology Program Director and Associate Professor of Animal Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation at Canisius College. He writes:
I received a grant that allowed me to continue my research on children and adolescents’ experiences of hunting and fishing. The bulk of the grant was used to travel to the 2016 Southern Tier Outdoor Expo to conduct ethnographic research as well as to recruit participants for interviews.
The material Joshua gathered was eventually published as “Telling Better Stories: Toward Critical, Place-based, and Multispecies Narrative Pedagogies in Hunting and Fishing Cultures,” in The Journal of Environmental Education (2020), and “On Child/Animal Vulnerability and an Embodied Pedagogy of Conviviality,” in the International Research Handbook on Childhoodnature (Springer, 2019). In 2021, Joshua edited the volume Queer Ecopedagogies: Explorations in Nature, Sexuality, and Education (Springer).
In 2022, Joshua was awarded a Tom Regan Visiting Research Fellowship to research the Animal Rights Archives at the North Carolina State University Libraries.