Kay Stepkin

CAF awarded a grant to Kay Stepkin for a video outreach project on behalf of The Vegan Museum, which Kay founded in 2017. Over the course of 2023, The Vegan Museum videoed and made available on its channel four events: Dr. Ashwani Garg’s lecture, “The Healing Power of Plants: Discovering Vegan Health Benefits“; “Save the Animals with Jodie Wiederkehr,” of the Chicago Alliance for Animals; and talks by Victoria Moran (see below) on the history of veganism and Kay Stepkin‘s talks about her vegan life, both at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in August 2023.
A long-time animal activist, Kay founded The Bread Shop, Chicago’s first modern-day vegetarian restaurant, and was instrumental in the establishment of the fabled Chicago Diner. She was the “The Veggie Cook” columnist for the Chicago Tribune for more than four years. In 2024, Kay will continue to film more presentations on the relationship between the vegan movement and human health, animals, and spiritual connections, at the Vegan Museum.