LA Watson

LA Watson is a Kentucky-based artist and curator. She writes:
The first grant I received allowed me to create a series of paintings and prints based on a fictitious character called, The Angry Chicken. The angry chicken is a zombie-like character who has risen from the grave to enact revenge for the cruelties her kind have endured due to speciesism. The grant allowed me to create a series of large paintings based on the character and a number of print editions, all of which were auctioned off to raise money for various animal advocacy organizations over the years. The second grant I received was for the photographic series, “A Bird at My Table.” I was accepted into the Mary H. Dana Women Artist Series at Rutgers University and I needed funding to help cover the costs of printing and shipping the work. The grant enabled me to cover a good portion of these costs and gave me the confidence to continue making the kind of work that I was making. “A Bird at My Table” continues to travel and has been shown across the country at various museums and galleries. This series is also featured and discussed in detail in the book “The Art of the Animal,” published by Lantern. These grants propelled my early artistic path forward in exciting and unexpected ways and I am forever grateful for the work that they do in supporting artists like myself who are working to make the world a kinder place for all animals. A full portfolio of my work can be viewed on my website.