Rosa María Cajiga Morales

Rosa María Cajiga Morales received a grant for “Fauna Post“: to spread knowledge about the laws and governmental mechanisms that exist in Mexico to protect wild animals. She writes:
From what I perceived as a Mexican and as an animal lawyer, there is a disconnection between people and animals, particularly wild animals. Some people in Mexico still think like in ancient times when people and animals needed to fight each other to survive. This divided cosmovision of the world where animals are in a different sphere, “separated” from us humans, provides us with a good argument to reconnect people with animals for our own protection and survival, because we cannot survive without nature and nature cannot thrive without its animals.
Fauna Post consists of two videos: the first is a description about the trafficking of wild animals; the second, “In Their Feathers” / “En sus plumas” is a children’s illustrated book read and performed by Rosa María.
Rosa María is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Basel’s Institute for Biomedical Ethics, where she has written on shark finning and animal welfare and on the extraction of horse blood for hormones to increase productivity in farmed animals. She continues to advocate for animals.