VINE Sanctuary

VINE Sanctuary offers refuge to nonhuman animals who have escaped or been rescued from the meat, dairy, and egg industries or other injurious circumstances, such as cockfighting, experimentation, petting zoos, or pigeon shoots. In addition to sheltering and advocating for animals, VINE conducts research and community education aimed at diet change, agriculture reform, and more effective animal advocacy.
In 2022 and 2023, VINE received a grant for “Expanding Access to VINE Sanctuary for Scholars,” whereby a CAF-sponsored scholar will spend time at VINE engaged in, according to VINE, writing “theses, journal articles, and chapters for edited volumes that are based on their observations and experiences at the sanctuary, thereby increasing the quantity of animal studies scholarship rooted in real relationships with animals.” VINE continues: “We expect that spending time as participant-observers in our multispecies community will have numerous knock-on effects, some of them unpredictable. New ideas that we cannot yet imagine will arise.”
In 2022, VINE chose as their scholar Rebecca Shen, a master’s degree candidate in landscape architecture at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design. The result was the monograph “Tending Sanctuary: Multispecies Entanglements at VINE Sanctuary,” which explored the many ways that the animals and humans form communities and utilize space at VINE. CAF 2022 Navab Fellow Victoria Reshetnikov conducted an interview with Rebecca to discuss her scholarship at VINE (see also the images below). In 2023, Rebecca applied for, and received, a CAF grant for a multispecies ethnography of Singapore.
Additionally, Patrice from Vine Sanctuary was interviewed on the Knowing Animals podcast (May 6, 2019). Listen to it here.
We look forward to hearing about the work of VINE’s 2023 scholar-in-residence.
September 2023 Update:
Scholars visiting VINE Sanctuary this year come from broadly diverse backgrounds including members of the LGBTQ community, people of color, women, and nonbinary individuals. The sanctuary is currently reviewing sections of two books inspired by visits to VINE, scheduled for publication in 2024.