Encouraging and Engaging Students

Since 2019, CAF has taken part in New York City Columbia College’s Navab Fellow Internship Program, which allows “students to explore potential career paths, gain essential professional skills, and expand personal networks in preparation for life after graduation.” As part of their engagement with CAF, undergraduates learn about our mission, get a feel for what it’s like to work at a non-profit organization, and explore our programs. Their tasks include updating our website with the latest information from current and former grantees, and interviewing and writing features on some of them.

In 2023, CAF was joined by Tymesha-Elizabeth Kindell (a rising senior majoring in History and Sustainable Development, from Atlanta) and Gauri Kasarla (left). Gauri, an artist in her own right, is a rising junior majoring in Art History and Visual Art.

2021–2022 Navab FellowsIn 2022, we worked with artist Victoria Reshetnikov (right), who edited and compiled videos of Sue Coe, recipient of the 2022 Nancy Regan Arts Prize. In 2021, we welcomed Makenna Cherry and Mary Qiu (left and center respectively). Makenna profiled CAF grantee and filmmaker Marisa Miller Wolfson, while Mary conducted an interview with CAF grantees filmmaker Liz Marshall and Jasmin Singer and Mariann Sullivan of Our Hen House, on the occasion of the 600th episode of their podcast.

In 2020, we engaged with Vivian Qiu and Isabel Schmidt, working remotely from New Zealand and Seattle, respectively. Isabel interviewed Turkish academic Ayten Alkan (a 2017 CAF grantee), while Vivian Qiu profiled CAF grantees “scienartist” Gal Nissim, poet Donald Vincent, visual artist Colleen Plumb, and broadcaster Yuan-Chih Lung. In 2019, we worked with Aoi Nakazawa and Chynna Lake.

CAF is delighted to build the skills and provide exposure to young people, and we welcome applicants from other young people looking to engage with non-profits, animal rights, scholarship, and the arts—whether through Navab or not. For more information and to apply, contact admin [at] cultureandanimals [dot] org.

“Learning and experiencing the works of scholars and artists has encouraged me to contemplate my personal ethics towards animals, which will carry beyond this fellowship and to the rest of my life.”—Mary Qiu