Congratulations! As a new grantee, you’re now a member of the CAF family—one that reaches around the world and reaches back forty years. This page should contain all you need to know about how our grant system works. It will include information on payment, publicity, reporting, and communication.
U.S. Residents & Citizens: If you live in the United States and have a U.S. bank account, we would prefer to pay you via check. So, please send us your snail-mail address. If you cannot receive a check, we can pay by Venmo or PayPal, but you will be absorbing the costs of the money transfer. If you are a U.S. tax payer, and the grant is over $600, you will need to declare the income on your tax returns. Please fill out a W-9 form and send it to, and we will send you a 1099 form in January.
Non-U.S. Residents & Citizens: For those outside the United States, we will pay via PayPal (please indicate your PayPal address) or via bank transfer. CAF will absorb the transfer costs. For the bank transfer, please supply: your legal name, your personal address known to the bank, your personal phone number, the bank’s name and address, the IBAN/BIC/Swift Code of the bank, and your account number. That information can be sent to We also request that you fill out a W8-BEN form and send it to This form is for CAF’s internal purposes only.
Scholars: CAF funds individual scholars and not the academic departments or universities they belong to. In the past, some scholars have needed to make this distinction clear to their institutions. Please make sure you do this as soon as possible to avoid delays in payment.
We will feature your grant on our website. We can use your application to describe your project for the website. However, feel free to send us a 250-word summary if you would prefer. Please send us (again) your social media handles, your website URL, and a photo within ten days of receiving the email notifying you of your grant. (Please supply the name of the photographer, if it is required.) The email address is Sign up to our mailing list, visit our website regularly, and link with us on social media to let people know about your project, learn about and perhaps collaborate with other grantees, and broaden your and our reach. Please also tell your community about CAF, our events, and your fellow grantees.
We ask that you acknowledge CAF’s support in all of your printed promotional materials and on your project’s and organization’s website. At the bottom of this page you will find CAF logos for you to use. The first eight logos are jpegs with white backgrounds; the second eight are pngs with transparent backgrounds. Right click on a logo to save it to your computer.
In September, CAF will ask you to submit an interim report on how your project is going. At the end of the year, we’ll ask you for a final report on your project. (We understand you may have a longer timeline than the calendar year, and would request you draw attention to that fact in the September and December reports.) The December report will help CAF continue our record of funding completed projects. The final report template you will need to fill out is below (as either a PDF or Word document). Please send it to no later than December 31.
We recognize that life sometimes gets in the way of a smooth completion of a project. We also want to learn from you about how your career developed after you received your grant, or opportunities were created by it. Please keep in touch and let us know how you’re doing. Many of our grantees have gone on to major careers in the academy and in the arts. We love to hear from them, and we’d love to hear from you.