Carrie Packwood Freeman

Carrie Packwood Freeman is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at Georgia State University. A multi-year grantee, she writes:
Through Culture & Animals Foundation, I was able to turn my dissertation research into a vegan advocacy book in 2014: “Framing Farming: Communication Strategies for Animal Rights.” Framing Farming was a 2016 awards finalist in the Social & Political Change category of the National Indie Excellence book award competition. I promote the strategic communication ideas from this book at activist conferences, in the media, and through my website In 2016, Culture & Animals Foundation also supported my second book project: “The Human Animal Earthling Identity: Common Values Unifying Human Rights, Animal Rights, and Environmentalism,” which was published in 2020 by the University of Georgia Press.
Carrie coauthors the Animals & Media website with Dr. Debra Merskin, where they promote animal-friendly guidelines for media makers, and post examples weekly on their Facebook page. Carrie has also been hosting an eco- and animal-friendly radio show called In Tune to Nature.
Carrie was interviewed on the Knowing Animals podcast (May 14, 2018). Listen to it here.