CAF’s year began sadly, with the death in February of Tom Regan, our co-founder, at the age of 78. The tributes were many and well-deserved. Among them, were Robert Leonard’s video of Tom’s words and writings; Rainer Ebert’s essay comparing the animal advocacy efforts of Gandhi and Regan; and Ana Cristina Ramirez’s reflection (in Spanish). In April, we gave grants to six scholars and artists as diverse as an Israeli “scienartist” and a dissident academic researching dogs in Turkey. We welcomed two new board members—Jo-Anne McArthur and Kim Stallwood, and revamped our website. We also launched CAF on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, and repurposed our presence on Guidestar/Candid. In October, CAF collaborated with Compassion Arts for the Compassion Arts & Culture and Animals Festival at the Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theater at Symphony Space in New York City. The Festival was preceded and accompanied by a pop-up art show entitled “Beasts of Burden,” curated by CAF grantee Jane O’Hara. Other CAF grantees who performed or presented at the Festival included: Ayten Alkan, Michael Harren, Jo-Anne McArthur, Ellie Sarty, Jasmin Singer, and Mariann Sullivan. CAF board members Martin Rowe and Mia MacDonald, and CAF grantee Marisa Miller Wolfson, were em-cees. CAF co-founder and board member Nancy Regan was also in attendance. CAF grantee Cyrus Mejia’s painting was used for the program cover. Future grantees who performed at the festival were Donald Vincent (2019) and Radhika Subramaniam (2019). A video of photos from the festival can be found here.
The Year in Review: 2017