Two Regan Research Fellows Announced for 2024

Kaitlyn Kitchen & Sarah Scott

The Culture & Animals Foundation and NCSU Libraries have awarded 2024 Tom Regan Visiting Research Fellowships to Kaitlyn Kitchen (left), a rising senior at Appalachian State University, and Sarah Scott, a professor of philosophy at Manhattan College in Riverdale, NY. The scholars will visit the Libraries for their month-long fellowships this summer.

Kaitlyn, who is majoring in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a minor in Philosophy will consider the potential limitations of animal rights organizations from feminist and anti-racist perspectives, with a strong consideration for the positive impacts of these groups. Their research in the Archives will focus on how animal rights organizations used gendered appeals as a form of advocacy, such as sentimental fiction in the nineteenth century and sexualized billboards of vegan celebrity women in the twentieth century.

Sarah is writing a monograph on the moral philosophy of British anti-vivisectionist Frances Power Cobbe (1822–1904). In the Archives, Sarah plans to trace the philosophical arguments used in nineteenth-century animal and anti-vivisection advocacy and relate them to contemporary debates. In addition to her fellowship at the Libraries, Sarah will also be a fellow at the National Humanities Center in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, this fall. To read more about both scholars’ works, click here.