Krithika Srinivasan

Krithika Srinivasan writes:
The grant that I received helped to support the writing up of my doctoral research on conservation and animal protection politics in India. I was able to devote myself to the analysis and writing up of my empirical research in the crucial final months of my doctoral studies. This research has since then been published as journal articles, book chapters and opinion pieces, presented in multiple conferences, including multi-stakeholder forums such as the Minding Animals Conferences, and informed my engagements with public media. I am now employed as a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at the School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, having previously held similar positions at the University of Exeter and Durham University. My current research and teaching revolve around nature–society interactions, with a specific interest in understanding the intersections between animal, ecological, and social justice in the context of contemporary development. I empirically explore this theme through research projects on street dogs, urban nature, working-class environmentalisms, and animal-based foods.
Krithika’s current research, ROH-Indies, is focused on the street dog-public health interface in India.