The 2023 Tom Regan Memorial Lecture
Cheryl Abbate, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, presented the 2023 Tom Regan Memorial Lecture on “The Philosophy of Animal Rights: A Way…
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Her Blue Body
Kittie Mae Morris received a CAF grant for “BLUE.,” an interdisciplinary dance piece that brings awareness to dolphin endangerment. Tymesha-Elizabeth Kindell and Gauri Kasarla, 2023 CAF Navab…
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Dale Jamieson on His Friendship with Tom and Nancy Regan
In 2016, the CAF board invited friends, colleagues, and associates of Tom and Nancy Regan to reflect on the then thirty-year legacy of CAF’s work. Fellow philosopher and advisory…
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Picturing Pigs: Making the Invisible Visible
When photographers Mary Shannon Johnstone and Jane M Casteline received a grant for “Picturing Pigs,” they couldn’t have imagined the obstructions—both literal and metaphorical—they’d face. Martin Rowe…
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Sondra Jackson-Opoku: Manatees and Marginalized Communities
Sandra Jackson-Opoku received a grant from the Culture & Animals Foundation to research and write Ellie Mac, Please Come Back!—a children’s book on saving the manatees. Tymesha-Elizabeth Kindell,…
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Cheryl Abbate Is the 2023 Tom Regan Memorial Lecturer
On October 5, 2023 at Harvard Law School, Cheryl Abbate, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, will present the sixth Annual Tom Regan…
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Entangled: Multispecies Lives, Justice, and Narratives
Gauri Kasarla, a 2023 Navab Fellow at Columbia University, interviews 2020 CAF grantee Nathaniel Otjen on his research project and book, “Entangled Lives: Multispecies Selves, Justice, and…
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The Politics of Eating Animals in India
CAF’s 2023 Navab Fellow Gauri Kasarla is an undergraduate student at Columbia University studying Art History and Visual Art. As an American with roots in Andhra Pradesh in…
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Creating Antispeciesist Video Essays: An Interview with Just Wondering . . .
Gauri Kasarla is a 2023 CAF Navab Fellow from Columbia University studying Art History and Visual Art. She spoke with 2020 CAF grantees Just Wondering…
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