The Year in Review: 2018

CAF had a busy year in 2018. We welcomed social media expert Karen Bowman to our team to manage our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We hosted the first Annual Tom Regan Memorial Lecture, where feminist scholar Carol. J. Adams, author of the groundbreaking The Sexual Politics of Meat, gave a talk entitled “Animal Ethics and Contemporary Politics” at North Carolina State University, where Tom had talked for 34 years. You can watch it in full here and a brief overview here. Memories of Tom Regan were present at the fourth Minding Animals Conference in January in Mexico City. There, organized by CAF board member Kim Stallwood, a panel of distinguished academics—Peter Singer, Lori Gruen, Dale Jamieson, J. Baird Callicott, Mylan Engel Jr., Margo DeMello, and Alejandro Herrera—presented thoughts on Tom’s work and life, which was recorded and is available on YouTube. Later in the year, an electronic edition of the peer-reviewed journal Between the Species was dedicated to Tom Regan, with articles by board member Mylan Engel and CAF grantee Nathan Nobis. In addition, Tom’s pamphlet The Philosophy of Animal Rights was translated into Bangla.

In April, we announced our 2018 grantees. Among the highlights of our grantees’ work: Donald Vincent, a 2018 grantee, released his album Vegan Paradise. The album’s cover art was created by Jane O’Hara, a 2017 grantee. Patricia Denys, a 2018 grantee, co-published the new magazine Animal Culture. The most recent issue features Jo-Anne McArthur, a CAF board member. Gal Nissim, a 2017 grantee, presented her project The Synanthrope Preserve in New York City. Michael Harren, a 2016 grantee, published The Animal Book, a record of his artist-in-residency at a farmed animal sanctuary. Radhika Subramaniam, a 2018 grantee, and Kim Stallwood both contributed chapters to the book Animal Biography: Re-framing Animal Lives. Amy Jones and Paul Healey, 2018 grantees, created a gallery of free-to-use images they photographed from around the world. Linda Brant, a 2015 and 2016 grantee, completed the monument To Animals We Do Not Mourn in Hartsdale Pet Cemetery. We also supported the 2018 Compassion Arts Festival, in which three of our grantees were featured. The brief video below celebrates the achievements of some of CAF’s grantees and associates in 2018.